About Gazette

The professional and scientific journal named "Glasilo Future" is intended to provide the findings of scientific and professional research conducted in biotechnological sciences (agronomy, forestry, wood technology, food technology, nutritionism and biotechnology, as well as papers with interdisciplinary characteristics). Moreover, other text categories are also accepted for publishing (in memoriam texts, bibliographical reviews, as well as reviews of books, magazines and recently held conferences and professional innovations, amongst, popular scientific papers, polemics others). Actual research conducted during the last three to four years takes precedence for publishing. The publishing of papers prepared with students attending their undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate study programmes, both in the country and abroad, is also recommended. Papers written in the English language are recommended. 60 % of the papers per double issue are reserved for papers characterised as scientific and the remaining papers are classified as addressing professional and other topics. The quality of the papers considered as potential for the publishing need to (at the minimum) comply with the publishing standards in Cab-basis (A2-category). The journal is issued in electronic edition twice a year. Furthermore, two additional interdisciplinary special issues are planned during the year and it is intended to address STEM fields and other scientific/artistic fields. We will be striving to have our journal categorised from the very inception and as soon as possible and entered into different relevant scientific bases. The editorial board comprises of prominent national and international scientists from different higher education institutions and involved in biotechnology fields. All the papers included in the journal are reviewed by two independent experts, holders of a doctoral degree in science in the specific field that has been addressed in the paper. In specific cases one of the reviewers can also hold a master’s degree in the profession/science that specifically addresses the relevant topic. Paper reviews (without stating the author’s names) will be conducted during the shortest possible period of time (up to 3 weeks) and certificates on their acceptance can be issued without delay upon author’s request.

Editor-in-Chief: Ass. prof. Boris Dorbić, Ph. D.

Publication ethics and malpractice statement





ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)

Editorial Board:

Assoc. prof. dr. sc. Boris Dorbić, Coll. Prof. - Editor - in - Chief
Emilija Friganović, MS Food Tech., S. Lect. - Deputy Editor - in - Chief
Ančica Sečan, mag. act. soc. (MSW) - Technical Editor
Prof. dr. sc. Željko Španjol – member
Mr. sc. Milivoj Blažević – member
Vesna Štibrić, MS Food Tech. – member
Antonia Dorbić, mag. art. – member

International Editorial Board:

Dr. sc. Gean Pablo S. Aguiar – Federative Republic of Brazil
Prof. dr. sc. Kiril Bahcevandziev - Portuguese Republic
Prof. dr. sc. Martin Bobinac - Republic of Serbia
Prof. dr. sc. Zvezda Bogevska - Republic of North Macedonia
Dr. sc. Bogdan Cvjetković, prof. emeritus - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Duška Ćurić - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Margarita Davitkovska - Republic of North Macedonia
Prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Dujmović Purgar - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Sezai Ercişli - Republic of Turkey
Prof. dr. sc. Josipa Giljanović - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Semina Hadžiabulić - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Doc. dr. sc. Jasna Hasanbegović - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prof. dr. sc. Péter Honfi - Hungary
Prof. dr. sc. Mladen Ivić - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Doc. dr. sc. Anna Jakubczak - Republic of Poland
Dr. sc. Željko Jurjević - United States of America
Prof. dr. sc. Mariia Kalista - Ukraine
Prof. dr. sc. Tajana Krička - Republic of Croatia
Doc. dr. sc. Dejan Kojić - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Slobodan Kulić, mag. iur. - Republic of Serbia
Dr. sc. Jae Hwan Lee, lect. - Republic of Korea
Prof. dr. sc. Branka Ljevnaić-Mašić - Republic of Serbia
Prof. dr. sc. Zvonimir Marijanović - Republic of Croatia
Semir Maslo, prof. – Kingdom of Sweden
Prof. dr. sc. Ana Matin - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Elizabeta Miskoska-Milevska – Republic of North Macedonia
Prof. dr. sc. Bosiljka Mustać - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Ayşe Nilgün Atay - Republic of Turkey
Nibir Pratim Choudhury, MBA - Republic of India
Prof. dr. sc. Tatjana Prebeg - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Bojan Simovski - Republic of North Macedonia
Prof. dr. sc. Davor Skejić - Republic of Croatia
Academician prof. dr. sc. Mirko Smoljić, Coll. Prof. - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Nina Šajna - Republic of Slovenia
Doc. dr. sc. Mladenka Šarolić – Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Andrej Šušek - Republic of Slovenia
Prof. dr. sc. Elma Temim - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Doc. dr. sc. Merima Toromanović - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prof. dr. sc. Marko Turk - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Ivana Vitasović Kosić - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Ana Vujošević - Republic of Serbia
Sandra Vuković, mag. ing. - Republic of Serbia
Prof. dr. sc. Vesna Židovec - Republic of Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Denisa Žujo Zekić - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Editorial Office: Bana J. Jelačića 13 a Šibenik, Republic of Croatia.


Published by: FUTURA.

Language Advisor & Prepress: Ančica Sečan, mag. act. soc. (MSW).

The journal is issued in electronic edition twice a year, at the end of June and at the end of December. Furthermore, two additional special issues are planned during the year and it is intended to address biotechnical fields.

Gazette is free of charge.

Manuscripts and reviews are not returned and are not paid.

Authors are fully responsible for contents, contact information and correctnes of English.

Reproduction, distribution, public disclosure, making available to the public or processing in any form is prohibited without the written permission of the Publisher.

The content published in the Gazette Future can be freely used for personal and educational purposes with mandatory sources quotation.

SIS Scientific Indexing Service
Hrčak - Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia
Semantic Scholar
Academic Resource Index
International Scientific Indexing
Croatian Web Archive
Google Schoolar
Index Copernicus
World Cat
Journal Factor
Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index

Volumen 1 number 1-2 published on June 30, 2018.
UDK 60/63

Volumen 1 number 3 published on August 18, 2018.
UDK 631
UDK 630
UDK 502.1
UDK 008

Volumen 1 number 4 published on December 31, 2018.

UDK 60
UDK 631
UDK 630
UDK 336
UDK 338

Volumen 1 broj 5-6 published on December 31, 2018.
UDK 60
UDK 631
UDK 630
UDK 336
UDK 338

Volumen 2 number 1-2 published on June 30, 2019.
UDK 630/610
UDK 502.1
UDK 008

Volumen 2 number 3 published on December 31, 2019.
UDK 60
UDK 631
UDK 663
UDK 630

Volumen 2 number 4 published on December 31, 2019.
UDK 60
UDK 631
UDK 663
UDK 630

Volumen 2 number 5-6 published on December 31, 2019.
UDK 60
UDK 631
UDK 663
UDK 630

Volumen 3 number 1-2 published on June 30, 2020.
UDK 63

Volumen 3 number 3 published on December 31, 2020.
UDK 005
UDK 598.2
UDK 581.9

Volumen 3 number 4 published on December 31, 2020.
UDK 631
UDK 635.9

Volumen 3 number 5-6 published on December 31, 2020.
UDK 631
UDK 635.9

Volumen 4 number 1 published on May 24, 2021.
UDK 502/504
UDK 58

Volumen 4 number 2-3 published on June 30, 2021.
UDK 63

Volumen 4 number 4 published on October 20, 2021.
UDK 63

Volumen 4 number 5-6 published on December 31, 2021.
UDK 63

Volumen 5 number 1-2 published on June 30, 2022.
UDK 63

Volumen 5 number 3 published on September 30, 2022.
UDK 63

Volumen 5 number 4 published on December 31, 2022.
UDK 63

Volumen 5 number 5-6 published on December 31, 2022.
UDK 63

Volumen 6 number 1 published on May 10, 2023.
UDK 63

Volumen 6 number 2-3 published on June 30, 2023.
UDK 63

Volumen 6 number 4 published on June 30, 2023.
UDK 63

Volumen 6 number 5 published on June 30, 2023.
UDK 63

Volumen 7 number 1 published on May 31, 2024.
UDK 63

Volumen 7 number 2-3 published on June 30, 2024.
UDK 63

Current Issue

Glasilo Future Volumen 7 number 2-3 June 2024.

Published on June 30, 2024.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Jae Jung Ahn, Eun A Kim, Eun Ji Shin, Yeong Sunwoo, Jae Hwan Lee, Sang Yong Nam
Shading treatments affect the growth characteristics, ornamental value, and photosynthetic activities of various Peperomia species and cultivars
Str. 01–19
PDF (download)

Aleksandra Šupljeglav Jukić, Jasmina Aliman, Jasna Hasanbegović Sejfić
Fizikalno-kemijske značajke ploda trešnje sorte Isabella i Prima Giant uzgajanih na različitim tlima
Physico-chemical characteristics of the sweet cherry fruit of the Isabella and Prima Giant varieties grown on different soils
Str. 20–35
PDF (download)

Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)

S. Maslo, Š. Šarić, Đ. Milanović
New data on the distribution of Adiantum capillus-veneris L. in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Str. 36–46
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review))

D. Šmidt, I. Širić
Neiskorišteni farmakološki potencijal gljive muhare - Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. (1783)
The unused pharmacological potential of fly agaric - Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. (1783)
Str. 47–71
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

D. Viličić
Hrast crnika (Quercus ilex L.) u makiji sjevernodalmatinskih otoka – utjecaj klimatskih i antropogenih čimbenika
Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in the maquis of the northern Dalmatian islands – influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors
Str. 72–96
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

Ivana Vitasović Kosić
Prikaz knjige (book review)
Str. 97–99

Ivana Vitasović Kosić
Prikaz izložbe (exhibition review
Str. 100–105

Ivana Vitasović Kosić
Prikaz book (book review)
Str. 106–107

B. Dorbić
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti (social news and announcements)
Str. 108–108

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Str. 109–110


Glasilo Future Volumen 7 number 2-3 June 2024.

Published on June 30, 2024.


Gazette Future Volume 7 number 1 May 2024.

Published on May 31, 2024.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

A. Lončarić, Sanja Zec Zrinušić, T. Kovač, Blanka Bilić Rajs, Melita Lončarić, A. Jozinović, J. Babić
Effect of processing and storage on the quality of the purees made from different sweet potato cultivars
Str. 01–12
PDF (download)

Mladenka Šarolić, Anita Pitarević, Z. Marijanović, Zlatka Knezović
Utjecaj vremena skladištenja na aromatični profil djevičanskih maslinovih ulja
Influence of storage time on the aroma profile of virgin olive oils
Str. 13–27
PDF (download)

Emilija Friganović, Ljiljana Nanjara, Anđela Grabovac, Marija Zvijerac, B. Dorbić
Senzorska procjena čajnog peciva obogaćenog šipkom (Rosa canina L.)
Sensory evaluation of rosehip (Rosa canina L.) enriched tea biscuits
Str. 28–37
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

N. Marić, Sanja Radman, Danijela Skroza, Roberta Frleta Matas, Ivana Generalić Mekinić
Funkcionalni napitak na bazi ječmenog slada
Barley malt-based functional beverage
Str. 38–47
PDF (download)

Mirna Koloper, Nikolina Gaćina
Klice i mikrozelenje – novi trendovi u prehrani
Sprouts and microgreens – new trends in nutrition
Str. 48–56
PDF (download)

T. Svalina, A. Uremović, M. Šuste, Žana Delić
Utjecaj različitih vrsta kvasaca na sastav hlapljivih spojeva vina Pošip
Influence of different yeast species on the composition of volatile compounds of Pošip wine
Str. 57–68
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Str. 69–70

Gazette Future Volume 6 number 5-6 December 2023.

Published on December 31, 2023.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Ines Banjari, Marija Dundović, Jadranka Karuza, Marina Ferenac Kiš, Milica Cvijetić Stokanović
A grain of salt – a cross-sectional study on the consumption of foods containing iodine and sodium among adults from Croatia
Pp. 01-12
PDF (download)

Azra Koese, Aida Šukalić, Alma Leto, Alma Mičijević, Vedrana Komlen
Human health risk assessment of intake Cd and Cu from agricultural soils in Mostar and Tomislavgrad
Pp. 13-28
PDF (download)

Aleksandra Šupljeglav Jukić, S. Šoškić, G. Prskalo, Jasmina Aliman, Jasna Hasanbegović Sejfić
Utjecaj navodnjavanja na prinos i masu ploda trešnje
Influence of irrigation on cherry fruit yield and weight
Pp. 29-41
PDF (download)

R. Kepić, Denisa Žujo Zekić, M. Dautbašić, Jasna Avdić, Alka Turalija
Istraživanje entomofaune hortikulturnih biljaka na posjedu Franjevačkog samostana u Visokom, Bosna i Hercegovina
Survey of entomofauna of horticultural plants on the property of the Franciscan monastery in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pp. 42-64
PDF (download)

Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)

S. Maslo
New floristic data of vascular plants from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pp. 65-81
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Marija Vrdoljak, Sandra Mandinić, A. Sučić, B. Dorbić
Promjene mliječne masti u mlijeku djelovanjem različitih temperatura
Changes in milk fat in milk under the influence of different temperatures
Str. 82-95
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 96–97

Gazette Future Volume 6 number 4 December 2023.

Published on December 31, 2023.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

M. Poje, Vedrana Kasumović, Martina Skendrović Babojelić, M. Kušen, Vesna Židovec
Perception of health professionals regarding the use of horticultural therapy
Pp. 01–20
PDF (download)

Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)

E. Kajtaz, Esmera Kajtaz
Ekološke vrijednosti studenata i nadilaženje ekološke neravnoteže
Environmental values of students and overcoming ecological imbalance
Pp. 21–40
PDF (download)

B. Dorbić, D. Slavica, Tanja Radić Lakoš
Javne gradske zelene i ostale javne površine u funkciji vansezonskog turizma na primjeru Adventure 2021. godine u Šibeniku
Public urban green and other public areas in the function of off-season tourism on the example of adventure days in 2021 in Šibenik
Pp. 41–53
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

S. Lelo, Denisa Žujo Zekić, Džana Kuna, B. Dorbić
Integrativna biologija kao potreba redizajniranja nastavnih planova i programa na sveučilištima zemalja ex. Jugoslavije
Integrative biology as a need to redesign curricula at universities in countries of ex. Yugoslavia
Pp. 54–62
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Džana Kuna, S. Lelo, Denisa Žujo Zekić
Akustična, vizualna i kemijska komunikacija čovjeka i životinja
Acoustic, visual and chemical communication between humans and animals
Pp. 63–69
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 70–71

Gazette Future Volume 6 number 2-3 June 2023.

Published on June 30, 2023.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

S. Maslo
New findings and confirmation of the presence of two alien grass species in Croatia: Cenchrus longisetus and Sporobolus indicus
Pp. 01–07
PDF (download)

D. Kremer, I. J. Košir, Marina Šimunić, Ksenija Karlović, S. Srečec, Renata Jurišić Grubešić
Phenolic compounds in Geranium dalmaticum (Beck) Rech. f. and G. macrorrhizum L. (Geraniaceae) growing in Croatia
Pp. 08–17
PDF (download)

M. Poje, Tajana Pavlinić, Dubravka Dujmović Purgar, M. Kušen, Tatjana Prebeg, Vesna Židovec
Otrovne biljne vrste u dječjim vrtićima u četvrti Trešnjevka - sjever u Zagrebu
Poisonous plant species in kindergartens of Trešnjevka - north district in Zagreb
Pp. 18–31
PDF (download)

Emilija Friganović, Duška Ćurić, Tajana Krička
Senzorska procjena tjestenine obogaćene maslačkom (Taraxacum officinale Weber)
Sensory evaluation of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber) enriched pasta
Pp. 32–43
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Mirjana Šipek
Ground-ivy (Glechoma hederacea L., Lamiaceae) habitats in NE Slovenia: floristic, chorological and syntaxonomic diversity
Pp. 44–55
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

B. Dorbić
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti (social news and announcements)
Nagrade Udruge Future u 2023. godini
Awards of the Association Futura in the year 2023
Pp. 56–56

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 57–58

Gazette Future Volume 6 number 1 May 2023.

Published on May 10, 2023.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Dubravka Dujmović Purgar, Martina Skendrović Babojelić, Maja Jurić, Mihael Kušen, Vesna Židovec
Inventarizacija samonikle flore na području grada Zaprešića
Inventory of wild flora in the town of Zaprešić
Pp. 01–27
PDF (download)

Tanja Žuna Pfeiffer, Tomislav Mandir, Dubravka Špoljarić Maronić, Filip Stević, Nikolina Bek, Ana Martinović
Rasprostranjenost pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle), invazivne biljne vrste, na području grada Osijeka
Distribution of the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle), invasive plant species, in Osijek
Pp. 28–42
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

Vesna Židovec, Mihael Kušen, Matija Barić, Petra Pereković, Miroslav Poje
Dendroflora grada Zagreba u 19. stoljeću – na primjeru parkova zagrebačke Zelene potkove, parkova Ribnjak, Maksimir i Tuškanac
Dendroflora of the city of Zagreb in the 19th century – on the example of Zagreb's Green Horseshoe, Ribnjak, Maksimir and Tuškanac parks
Pp. 43–58
PDF (download)

Petra Pereković, Ines Hrdalo, Dora Tomić Reljić, Monika Kamenečki
Ekološki principi u uređenju gradskih krajobraza
Ecological principles in urban landscape design
Pp. 59–75
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Nikolina Sabo, Tihana Miloloža, Ljiljana Krstin, Zorana Katanić, Tanja Žuna Pfeiffer, Matej Šag
Novi podaci o rasprostranjenosti i staništima ljekovitih svojti papratnjača na području Slavonije
New data on distribution and habitats of medicinal fern taxa in Slavonia
Pp. 76–89
PDF (download)

Anja Zrnić, Nina Jeran, Vesna Židovec
Ukrasna i uporabna vrijednost različitih vrsta roda Vaccinium
Ornamental and utilization values of different Vaccinium species
Pp. 90–108
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 109–110

Gazette Future Volume 5 number 5-6 December 2022.

Published on December 31, 2022.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

L. Hadelan, Anja Marković, Željka Mesić, Magdalena Zrakić Sušac
Preferencije studenata prema čokoladnim namazima
Students' preferences for chocolate spreads
Pp. 01–12
PDF (download)

Živa Bračič, Natalija Hočevar, Nina Šajna
Allelopathic potential of Helleborus dumetorum and its prospects for conservation with gardening
Pp. 13–26
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

B. Dorbić, Lucija Jurlin, Vinka Karađole, M. Blažević
Bidermajer stil u suvremenoj floristici
Biedermeier style in contemporary floristry
Pp. 27–44
PDF (download)

Ana Šujica, Ž. Španjol, B. Dorbić
Ekološka radionica za srednjoškolce u sklopu projekta "S HEP-om do razumijevanja požara i njegovog utjecaja na okoliš" kao model edukacije iz zaštite prirode i okoliša
Ecological workshop on the topic of fire for high school students as part of the project "With HEP to understand fire and its impact on the environment" as a model of education in nature and environmental protection
Pp. 45–59
PDF (download)

Tihana Miloloža, Ljiljana Krstin, Zorana Katanić, Tanja Žuna Pfeiffer, Jelena Kadoić, Nikolina Sabo, Ana Martinović, M. Šag
Raznolikost biljnih svojti na južnim padinama Ivanščice pored grada Zlatara
Diversity of plant taxa on the southern slope of Ivanščica near the town of Zlatar above Zlatar town
Pp. 60–72
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 73–74

Gazette Future Volume 5 number 4 December 2022.

Published on December 31, 2022.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Alka Turalija
Biljne vrste antropogenih travnjaka i hodnih površina u gradu Osijeku
Plant species of lawns and walking surfaces in the city of Osijek
Pp. 01–20
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

Sanja Gašparović, T. Jukić
Uloga zelene infrastrukture u urbanoj obnovi Gornjega grada i Kaptola
The Role of Green Infrastructure in the Urban Renewal of Zagreb’s Upper Town and Kaptol
Pp. 21–36
PDF (download)

Petra Pereković, Monika Kamenečki, Ines Hrdalo, Dora Tomić Reljić
Pristup određivanju jedinstvene tipologije gradskih krajobraza
Approach to the setting of a unique typology of urban landscapes
Pp. 37–56
PDF (download)

M. Stojić, Mara Marić, B. Dorbić
Dudanov park u Kaštel Kambelovcu
Dudan's Park in Kaštel Kambelovac
Pp. 57–77
PDF (download)

Ema Grbčić, Ines Hrdalo
Krajobrazna analiza prostora: mogućnosti prenamjene klaonice u Zagrebu
Landscape analyses: possibilities of slaughterhouse revitalisation in Zagreb
Pp. 78–109
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Ivana Vitasović Kosić, Lara Ćuk, Mara Marić
Perivoj dvorca Erdödy u gradu Jastrebarsko s osvrtom na dendrofloru perivoja
Erdödy castle Park in the town of Jastrebarsko with the a review on the dendroflora of the Park
Pp. 110–130
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

B. Dorbić
Prikaz knjige
Book review
Pp. 131–136

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 137–138

Gazette Future Volume 5 number 3 September 2022.

Published on September 30, 2022.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Alma Leto, Dž. Vukotić, Elma Temim
Translokacija kadmija u sustavu tlo-duhan-dimni kondenzat kod duhana u Bosni i Hercegovini
Cadmium translocation in the soil-tobacco-smoke condensate system in tobacco in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pp. 01–15
PDF (download)

Semina Hadžiabulić, Jasna Hasanbegović, Aleksandra Šupljeglav Jukić, Jasmina Aliman, Azra Skender, Enesa Hadžić
Evaluation of autochthonous apple varieties (Malus domestica) in the area of Tomislavgrad
Pp. 16–30
PDF (download)

S. Maslo, Š. Šarić
Two new neophytes in the flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Oenothera fruticosa and Phacelia campanularia
Pp. 31–38
PDF (download)

Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)

Ljiljana Nanjara, Paula Krnjača, Sanja Mikolčević, B. Dorbić, Anita Pamuković, Lidija Bujas, Nina Vuletin
Kvaliteta mladih maslinovih ulja sorte Oblica u okviru maslinarske manifestacije "Dani mladog maslinovog ulja u Dalmaciji"
The quality of young olive oils of the Oblica variety with in the framework of the olive growing event "Days of young olive oil in Dalmatia"
Pp. 39–53
PDF (download)

K. Bahćevandžiev
Teaching floriculture: An educational experience from research to action – Case study
Pp. 54–62
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 63–64

Gazette Future Volume 5 number 1-2 June 2022.

Published on June 30, 2022.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Aiša Širbegović, Aida Šukalić, Maida Đapo-Lavić, Alma Mičijević, Alma Leto
Frequency of consumption of coffee beverages in the city of Mostar and caffeine intake
Pp. 01–14
PDF (download)

Emilija Friganović, Antea Nimak, Ančica Sečan, B. Dorbić, Ana Matin, Duška Ćurić, Tajana Krička
Analysis of RASFF notifications on cereals and cereal-based products contaminated with mycotoxins in the period from 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2019
Pp. 15–36
PDF (download)

Emilija Friganović, Anita Krezo, Ančica Sečan, B. Dorbić, Ana Matin, Tajana Krička, Duška Ćurić
Analysis of RASFF notifications on allergens in cereals and cereal-based products in the period from 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2019
Pp. 37–63
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Sandra Mandinić, Katja Kopilaš, B. Dorbić, Marija Vrdoljak
Proizvodnja, svojstva i upotreba magarećeg mlijeka (u prehrambene i kozmetičke svrhe)
Production, properties and use of donkey milk (for food and cosmetic purposes)
Pp. 64–73
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

B. Dorbić
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti
Social news and announcements
Pp. 74–74

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 75–76

Gazette Future Volume 4 number 5-6 December 2021

Published on December 31, 2021.



Pregledni rad (scientific review)

S. Maslo, Š. Šarić
Remarks on recent distribution of Polygonum albanicum Jáv. in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pp. 01–09
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Dubravka Dujmović Purgar, Mila Domljanović, Eleonora Paurić, Lara Stura
Ukrasna vrijednost invazivnih biljnih vrsta Hrvatske
Decorative value of invasive plant species in Croatia
Pp. 10–22
PDF (download)

Elma Temim, B. Dorbić, Alisa Hadžiabulić, Sanela Mujčin
Ožiljavanje reznica indijske lagerstremije (Lagestroemia indica L.) tretiranjem vrbinom vodom, hormonom i vodom
Rooting cuttings of Indian lagerstroemia (Lagerstroemia indica L.) by treatment with the willow water, hormone and water
Pp. 23–30
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

S. Kulić
Popularni rad (popular atricle)
Judging of ringneck doves (Streptopelia roseogrisea L.) and exhibition and judging of ringneck doves (Streptopelia risoria L.)
Pp. 31–54

E. Delić
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti (Social news and announcements)
Ljetni kamp za mlade "Misli o prirodi!"
Summer camp for young people "Misli o prirodi!"
Pp. 55–58

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 59–60

Gazette Future Volume 4 number 4 October 2021

Published on October 20, 2021.



Pregledni rad (scientific review)

I. Juran, Kristina Šumić, Maja Čačija
Mogućnosti suzbijanja cvjetnog štitastog moljca prirodnim neprijateljima i botaničkim insekticidima
Possibilities of controlling the greenhouse whitefly by natural enemies and botanical insecticides
Pp. 01–21
PDF (download)

Martina Kadoić Balaško, Darija Lemić, Katarina Maryann Mikac, Renata Bažok
Multidisciplinarni pristup istraživanju rezistentnosti kod kukaca
A multidisciplinary approach to insect resistance research
Pp. 22–36
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Maja Čačija, Petra Runjak, I. Juran
Entomofauna lucerne na pokušalištu Šašinovec
Entomofauna of alfalfa at the Šašinovec experimental station
Pp. 37–55
PDF (download)

Klara Barić, Z. Ostojić, Ana Pintar
Europski mračnjak (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) - biologija, ekologija, morfologija i suzbijanje
Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) - biology, ecology, morphology and control
Pp. 56–64
PDF (download)

Valentina Šoštarčić, D. Višić, Maja Šćepanović
Inter-populacijska varijabilnost sjemena ambrozije - mehanizam uspješne prilagodbe na različite okolišne uvjete
Inter-population variability of common ragweed seeds - a mechanism of successful adaptation to different environmental conditions
Pp. 65–78
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 79–80

Gazette Future Volume 4 number 2-3 June 2021

Published on June 30, 2021.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

E. Delić, B. Dorbić, Alisa Adžemović
Dendroflora Donatim parka u Adapazariju/Sakarija - Republika Turska
Dendroflora of Donatım park in Adapazari/Sakarya - Republic of Turkey
Pp. 01–15
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

Tatjana Prebeg, Kristina Balen, Vesna Židovec
Utjecaj anatomske građe latica na ukrasna svojstva cvjetova
The influence of petal anatomy on ornamental attributes of flowers
Pp. 16–29
PDF (download)

Jelica Galić
Značaj proučavanja stanovništva u cilju razvoja poljoprivrede - studija slučaja Županije Zapadnohercegovačke
The importance of population studies for agricultural development - case study of the West Herzegovina County
Pp. 30–42
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

D. Krstonošić, Franciska Erdelj, Ž. Škvorc, K. Sever
Odabir autohtonih aromatičnih i ljekovitih trajnica za uređenje terapijskih urbanih prostora na Mediteranu
Selection of autochthonous aromatic and medicinal perennials for therapeutic urban spaces in the Mediterranean
Pp. 43–64
PDF (download)

Dubravka Dujmović Purgar, Mateja Palčić, Klara Barić, D. Jareš, Z. Svečnjak
Agronomska i gospodarska vrijednost facelije
Agronomic and economic value of phacelia
Pp. 65–76
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

B. Dorbić
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti (social news and announcements)
Nagrade Udruge Future u 2021. godini
Awards of the Association Futura in the year 2021
Pp. 77–78

Zdenka Bilušić, B. Dorbić
Prikaz radionice (review of workshop)
Prikaz znanstveno-popularne radionice "Aranžmani od mediteranskog bilja"
Review of the science-popular workshop "Arrangements of Mediterranean plants"
Pp. 79–83

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 84–85

Gazette Future Volume 4 number 1 May 2021

Published on May 24, 2021.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Ivana Vitasović-Kosić, Lucija Đermek
Istraživanje korištenja, gospodarenja i zaštite prirodnih dobara u zakonom zaštićenim područjima – stavovi stanovnika rubnih zona PP Medvednica (Zagreb)
Research on the use, management and protection of natural resources in legally protected areas – attitudes of residents of the peripheral zones of the Medvednica Nature Park (Zagreb)
Pp. 01–22
PDF (download)

Teja Pintarič, Nina Šajna
Characteristics of heteroblasty in Hladnikia pastinacifolia (Apiaceae), a rare endemic from Slovenia
Pp. 23–32
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

D. Prlić
Prikaz visinskog gradijenta vegetacije od Malog Platka prema vrhu Snježnika (Hrvatska)
A display of the altitudinal vegetation gradient from Mali Platak to the peak of Mt Snježnik (Croatia)
Pp. 33–52
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

J. Juračak, Andreja Martić
Agroekološke i ekonomske pretpostavke za ekološki uzgoj konoplje za sjeme na području općine Križ
Agriecological and economic assumptions for cultivation of organic hemp for seeds in the municipality of Križ
Pp. 53–74
PDF (download)

Mara Marić
Perivoj i vegetacija Vile Čingrija na Boninovu – opservacije terenske nastave treće godine diplomskog studija Povijest Jadrana i Mediterana
The Park and vegetation of Villa Čingrija at Boninovo area – observations from the field teaching of the third year of the graduate study History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean
Pp. 75–88
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

V. Šegota, Nina Vuković, A. Alegro
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti (social news and announcements)
Prikaz rada Hrvatskog botaničkog društva (2002. – 2021.)
Review of the work of Croatian botanical society (2002 – 2021)
Pp. 89–95

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 96–97

Gazette Future Volume 3 number 5-6 December 2020

Published on December 31, 2020.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

D. Kovačević, Lidija Milenković, Dragana Lalević, Lj. Šunić, Z. Ilić
Utjecaj malčiranja na kontrolu korova i agronomska svojstva salate
Effect of malching on weed control and agronomic properties of lettuce
Pp. 01–15
PDF (download)

Margarita Davitkovska, Zvezda Bogevska, B. Dorbić, V. Tanaskovic, Romina Kabranova
The effect of two different fertilisers on the quality of Viola x wittrockiana Gams. seedlings
Pp. 16–22
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

B. Dorbić, Jelena Pavić, Ž. Španjol, Emilija Friganović, Ana Vujošević, Sandra Vuković
Percepcije i stavovi o ukrasnim karakteristikama i primjeni različitih kultivara afričke ljubičice (Saintpaulia ionantha L.)
Perceptions and attitudes on ornamental features and the use of different cultivars of african violet (Saintpaulia ionantha L.)
Pp. 23–35
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

B. Dorbić
Prikaz radionice (workshop review)
Znanstveno-stručna radionica "Valorizacija starih vrijednih primjeraka drveća"
Scientific-professional workshop "Valorization of old valuable specimens of trees"
Pp. 36–37

O. Jašić
Prikaz knjige (book review)
Prikaz knjige: Fadil A. Čerkez, Razvoj zdravstvene ekologije (podnaslov: Fragmenti, bilješke, prilozi i sjećanja)
Book review: Fadil A. Čerkez, Development of health ecology (subtitle: Fragments, notes, contributions and memories)
Pp. 38–41

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 42–43

Gazette Future Volume 3 number 4 December 2020

Published on December 31, 2020.



Stručni rad (professional paper)

Ana Matin, Tajana Krička, Emilija Friganović, D. Tučić, Mateja Grubor
Tehnologija dorade i skladištenja maka
Poppy processing and storage technology
Pp. 01–12
PDF (download)

Vesna Židovec, Iva Antić, Ines Han Dovedan, Dubravka Dujmović Purgar
Tehnike i biljne vrste u aranžiranju cvijeća
Techniques and plant species in arrangement of flowers
Pp. 13–29
PDF (download)

B. Dorbić, Biljana Jurić-Ćivro, Ž. Španjol, Emilija Friganović, Branka Ljevnaić-Mašić, Margarita Davitkovska, Zvezda Bogevska
Ukrasne vrijednosti i inventarizacija povrtnih vrsta u dekorativnim privatnim vrtovima na području grada Knina
Ornamental values and inventorying of vegetable garden plants in decorative private gardens in the territory of the city of Knin
Pp. 30–42
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

Zdenka Bilušić
Prikaz izložbe (review of exhibition)
Izložba "Blizu neba" autorice Katarine Urem
Exhibition "Near the Sky" by Katarina Urem
Pp. 43–45

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 46–47

Gazette Future Volume 3 number 3 December 2020

Published on December 31, 2020.



Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)

S. Nakić, K. Lindov
Motivacija kao čimbenik razvoja ljudskih resursa
Motivation factor of human resources development
Pp. 01–16
PDF (download)

S. Nakić, Valentina Vinšalek Stipić, Marina Milinković
Upravljanje zalihama kao čimbenik uspješnog poslovanja hrvatskih poduzeća
Inventory management as a factor of successful business of Croatian companies
Pp. 17–33
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Ivana Vitasović Kosić, Mirjana Šipek, Nina Šajna
Prikaz studentske terenske nastave na širem području mjesta Plomin (Plominska gora, Hrvatska)
Display of student fieldwork teaching in the wider area of Plomin (Plominska gora, Croatia)
Pp. 34–50
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

D. Skejić
Popularan rad (popular article)
Neizvjesnost ocjenjivanja - Koliko objektivno možemo ocjenjivati ptice?
Uncertainty of judging - How objectively can we judging birds?
Pp. 51–60

Zdenka Bilušić
Prikaz izložbe (review of exhibition)
Tematska izložba likovnih radova članova OMH u Šibeniku na temu značajnog parkovnog drveća Šibensko-kninske županije
Thematic exhibition of art works by OMH members in Šibenik on the topic of significant park trees of Šibenik-Knin County
Pp. 61–63

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 64–65

Gazette Future Volume 3 number 1-2 Jun 2020

Published on June 30, 2020.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

M. Bobinac, S. Andrašev, N. Šušić, Andrijana Bauer-Živković, Đ. Jorgić
Elementi rasta stabala talijanske (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) i crne johe (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) u linijskim nasadima na Fruškoj gori (Srbija)
Growth characteristics of Italian alder (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) in linear plantations at Fruška Gora (Serbia)
Pp. 01–18
PDF (download)

Aleksandra Govedarica-Lučić, S. Pašić, Alma Rahimić, Nikolina Kulina, Vedrana Bogdanović, Nataša Jovanović
Utjecaj gnojidbe i sorte na komponente prinosa salate (Lactuca sativa L.)
Influence of fertilization and variety on components of lettuce yield (Lactuca sativa L.)
Pp. 19–29
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

Ivan Tekić
Gospodarska važnost sastojina alepskog bora (Pinus halepensis Mill.) na širem šibenskom primorju
Economic importance of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) stands in wider Šibenik area
Pp. 30–52
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

B. Dorbić
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti (social news and announcements)
Nagrada grada Knina za životno djelo dr. sc. Bogdanu Cvjetkoviću, professoru emeritusu
Knin City Lifetime Achievement Award to dr. sc. Bogdan Cvjetković, professor emeritus
Pp. 53–58

B. Dorbić
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti (social news and announcements)
Najava konferencije: "IX međunarodna znanstvena konferencija o društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju (STED 2020)"
Conference announcement: "IX International Scientific Conference on Social and Technological Development (STED 2020)"
Pp. 59–60

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 61–62

Gazette Future Volume 2 number 5-6 December 2019

Published on December 31, 2019.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Ivana Gašparović, Ž. Španjol, B. Dorbić, I. Tolić, Irena Milčić
Perivoj dvorca Kulmer-Bračak (Republika Hrvatska) – biološko i prostorno vrednovanje
The public garden of the Kulmer-Bračak Castle (The Republic of Croatia) – biological and spatial evaluation
Pp. 01–23
PDF (download)

Emilija Friganović, Nikolina Tokmakčija, Ančica Sečan Matijaščić, M. Kelava, Mladenka Šarolić, B. Dorbić
Salmonella spp. in RASFF notifications involving Croatia in the period from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2018
Pp. 24–36
PDF (download)

T. Svalina, Sara Nasić, M. Šuste, Žana Delić, Emilija Friganović, Mladenka Šarolić, B. Dorbić
Aromatski profil kupinovih vina
Aromatic profile of blackberry wines
Pp. 37–47
PDF (download)

Mladenka Šarolić, Nikolina Bosnić, Emilija Friganović, Žana Delić, M. Šuste, T. Svalina, B. Dorbić, Z. Marijanović
Kemijska analiza hlapljivih spojeva tradicionalne rakije Anižete s otoka Korčule – Republika Hrvatska
Chemical analysis of volatile compounds of traditional brandy Anižeta from the island of Korčula – Republic of Croatia
Pp. 48–57
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Doroteja Benko, Ivana Vitasović-Kosić
Primjena utilitarnog i ukrasnog bilja u razdoblju baroka na primjeru dvoraca Hrvatskog Zagorja
Use of utilitarian and ornamental plants in the Baroque period on the example of castles in Hrvatsko Zagorje
Pp. 58–70
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 71–72

Gazette Future Volume 2 number 4 December 2019

Published on December 31, 2019.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Žana Delić, Ivana Vuković, T. Svalina, M. Šuste, Emilija Friganović, Mladenka Šarolić, B. Dorbić
Isparljivi spojevi vina od maline
Volatile compounds of raspberry wines
Pp. 01–09
PDF (download)

Emilija Friganović, D. Anić, Ančica Sečan Matijaščić, Mladenka Šarolić, B. Dorbić, Žana Delić, M. Šuste
Ponašanje i stavovi studenata Veleučilišta "Marko Marulić" u Kninu o funkcionalnim napitcima
Behavior and attitudes of students of the Marko Marulić polytechnic of Knin toward functional beverages
Pp. 10–20
PDF (download)

Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)

E. Delić, B. Dorbić, Nađa Buturović, Azra Bostandžić, Almina Tahirović
Prikaz modela za održavanje terenske nastave iz primijenjene botanike i ekologije
A presentation of a model for teaching field courses in Applied Botany and Ecology
Pp. 21–35
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

B. Dorbić
Sanacija i revitalizacija drvoreda bijelog duda (Morus alba L.) na prostoru luka Vrnaža – Istočni (središnji) dio luke u Šibeniku
Rehabilitation and revitalization of the white mulberry tree (Morus alba L.) in the area of port Vrnaža – East (central) part of the port in Šibenik
Pp. 36–51
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Ž. Zrno, Ivana Pintur
Elementarne funkcije u poljoprivredi
Elementary functions in agriculture
Pp. 52–69
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

Zdenka Bilušić
Prikaz izložbe (review of exhibition)
Izložba starih razglednica Šibenika iz fonda Knjižnice
Exhibition of old postcards of Šibenik from the Library's collection
Pp. 70–72

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 73–74

Gazette Future Volume 2 number 3 December 2019

Published on December 31, 2019.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Zvezda Bogevska, Olga Najdenovska, Marina Stojanova, Monika Stojanova, D. Ristikj
The influence of microbial inoculums on yield and yield components of rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.)
Pp. 01–09
PDF (download)

Martina Shotaroska, B. Simovski, T. Nikolovski, Katerina Chonevska, I. Minčev, V. Stojanovski
Urban Dendroflora of the Macedonia Park in the City of Skopje, North Macedonia
Pp. 10–28
PDF (download)

B. Dorbić, Tea Zemunović, Emilija Friganović, Elma Temim, Ž. Španjol, Katica Arar
Stavovi i percepcije kninskih srednjoškolaca o uzgoju i primjeni sobnog bilja
Attitudes and perceptions of the Knin-based secondary school pupils concerning the growing and use of indoor plants
Pp. 29–45
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

B. Dorbić, A. Uremović, I. Gugić, Emilija Friganović
Ljekovita i uzgojna saznanja o bademu i orahu
Medicinal and breeding knowledge of almond and walnut
Pp. 46–54
PDF (download)

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 55–56

Gazette Future Volume 2 number 1-2 Jun 2019

Published on Jun 30, 2019.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Anarma Poprženović, Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, B. Dorbić, E. Delić
Stavovi o društvenoj funkciji i općem stanju zelenila u Bihaću (Bosna i Hercegovina)
Attitudes on social function and overall status of greenery in the city of Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Pp. 01–14
PDF (download)

Aida Šukalić, Alma Rahimić, Vedrana Komlen, Alma Mičijević, Lamija Aliman
CONTENT arsena u plodovima nektarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica schnied.) na području Hercegovine sa procjenom rizika na zdravlje ljudi
The content of arsenic in nectarine fruit (Prunus persica var. nucipersica schnied.) with risk assessment for human health on area of Herzegovina
Pp. 15–22
PDF (download)

Emilija Friganović, Martina Runje, Sara Ujaković, B. Dorbić, Mladenka Šarolić, Duška Ćurić, Tajana Krička
Senzorska procjena tjestenine obogaćene proteinima konoplje i graška
Sensory evaluation of hemp and pea proteins enriched pasta
Pp. 23–43
PDF (download)

Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)

B. Dorbić, Emilija Friganović, Marija Slipčević, Margarita Davitkovska, Zvezda Bogevska, Ana Vujošević
Senzorska procjena različitih oparaka od aromatičnog bilja
Sensory evaluation of different infusions from aromatic herbs
Pp. 44–58
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Mladenka Šarolić, J. Roguljić, Emilija Friganović, Žana Delić, B. Dorbić, Marina Torić
Poljički soparnik
"Poljički soparnik"
Pp. 59–66
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

S. Kulić
Popularan rad (popular paper)
Kanarinac pjesme slavujar
Song Canary "Slavujar"
Pp. 67–71

Zdenka Bilušić
Prikaz konferencije (review of conference)
1. Znanstveno-stručni skup: "Primjena ukrasnog bilja u turističkoj ponudi Submediterana" – 30. ožujka 2019.
1st Scientific-Expert Conference: "Application of Decorative Plants in the Tourist Offer of the Submediterranean" – 30th March 2019
Pp. 72–72

B. Dorbić
Društvene vijesti i obavijesti (social news and announcements)
Najava konferencije: "VIII međunarodna znanstvena konferencija o društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju (STED 2019)"
Conference announcement: "VIII International Conference on Social and Technological Development (STED 2019)"
Pp. 73–74

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 75–76

Gazette Future Volume 1 number 5-6 December 2018

Published on December 31, 2018.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

B. Dorbić, Lea Zemunović, Tea Zemunović, Emilija Friganović, Elma Temim, Katica Arar
Istraživanje općih saznanja o nekim vrstama trajnica na Mediteranu
A research on common knowledge about some perennial species in the Mediterranean region
Pp. 01-12
PDF (download)

Branka Stipanović
Stavovi maslinara o podizanju konkurentnosti maslinarstva u Dalmaciji u kontekstu ARISTOIL projekta
Attitudes of olive growers in Dalmatia region about competiveness growth in context of ARISTOIL project
Pp. 13-27
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

M. Blažević
Ogled o urbanim i prirodnim vrijednosnicama Šibenika u kontekstu turističke perspektive
An overview of urban and natural values of Šibenik in the context and from tourism perspective
Pp. 28-40
PDF (download)

J. E. Meeker, Z. Lišnić, B. Dorbić, Emilija Friganović, Ž. Španjol, Zvezda Bogevska
Mogućnosti uporabe nekih jestivih submediteranskih autohtonih i alohtonih vrsta za održive dekorativne vrtove na kršu
Opportunities for use of some edible sub-Mediterranean autochthonous and allochthonous species for sustainable ornamental gardens in karst landscapes
Pp. 41-48
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

Zdenka Bilušić
Pp. 49-50

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 51-52

Gazette Future Volume 1 number 4 December 2018

Published on December 31, 2018.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

B. Dorbić, Sandra Dukić, Emilija Friganović, Margarita Davitkovska,Zvezda Bogevska, Ana Vujošević, Sandra Popović
Percepcije i stavovi o ukrasnim karakteristikama i primjeni submediteranskog listopadnog drveća u zimskom razdoblju
Perceptions and attitudes about ornamental characteristics of sub-mediterranean deciduous trees during the winter season
Pp. 01-16
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Z. Maričić, L. Maričić
Optimiziranje portfelja s različitim brojem imovine i različitim preferencijama rizika
Portfolio optimization with different number of assets and different risk preferences
Pp. 17-30
PDF (download)

L. Maričić, Z. Maričić
Utjecaj dodatnih dionica na granice efikasnosti, portfelj s minimalnom varijancom i tangencijalni portfelj
Influence of additional shares on efficiency frontier, minimum variance portfolio and tangential portfolio
Pp. 31-44
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

B. Dorbić
Prikaz knjige
Book review
Pp. 45-49

B. Dorbić
Društvene vijesti
Social news
Pp. 50-52

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 53-54

Gazette Future Volume 1 number 3 August 2018

Published on August 18, 2018.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

E. Delić, Jasnica Medak, Azra Bakrač, Subha Džafić, B. Dorbić, Berina Muhović
Dendroflora Gradskog parka u Bihaću
Woody Plants in the Bihać City Park
Pp. 01-14
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

Martina Rubeša
Digitalne nejednakosti i potencijal za socijalno uključivanje
Digital Inequalities and Potential for Social Inclusion
Pp. 15-26
PDF (download)

Ančica Sečan Matijaščić
Pravo na privatnost i objavljivanje osobnih podataka, informacija (o) i fotografija maloljetne djece
The Right to Privacy and Publishing of Personal Data, Information (about) and Photographs of Minor Children
Pp. 27-59
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

Nina Gojić
Prikaz predstave
Play review
Pp. 60-63

B. Dorbić
Prikaz knjige
Book review
Pp. 64-66

D. Crnogaća, M. Chiabov, Ana Selak
Prikaz radova natječaja
Competition proposals review
Pp. 67-73

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 74-75

Gazette Future Volume 1 number 1-2 June 2018

Published on June 30, 2018.



Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)

Ivana Vitasović-Kosić
Tradicionalna upotreba samoniklog jestivog bilja na području općine Kršan (Istra, Hrvatska)
Traditional wild food plants used in Kršan municipality (Istria, Croatia)
Pp. 01-14
PDF (download)

Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)

M. Blažević
Crtice iz povijesti poljoprivrede, šumarstva i hortikulture Šibenika (1774.-1941.)
Short review from history of agriculture, forestry and horticulture of Šibenik (1774-1941)
Pp. 15-29
PDF (download)

B. Dorbić, Marija Lizatović, Ivna Podrug
Percepcije o ukrasnim vrijednostima i primjeni palmi na Mediteranu
Perceptions of decorative values and application of palms in the Mediterranean
Pp. 30-38
PDF (download)

Pregledni rad (scientific review)

Ela Brkić, Nikolina Gaćina
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni - prirodni funkcionalni zaslađivač
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni - natural functional sweetener
Pp. 39-47
PDF (download)

Stručni rad (professional paper)

Emilija Friganović, Katarina Bilić, Mladenka Šarolić, B. Dorbić
Energetske vrijednosti i količina hranjivih tvari odabranih slastičarskih proizvoda
Energy value and the amounts of nutrients of selected pastry products
Pp. 48-55
PDF (download)

Nekategorizirani rad (uncategorised paper)

Zdenka Bilušić, B. Dorbić
Prikaz konferencije
Review of conference
Pp. 56-57

Zdenka Bilušić
Prikaz izložbe
Review of exhibition
Pp. 58-62

Upute autorima (instructions to authors)
Pp. 63-64


Professional and scientific journal named "Glasilo Future" publishes scientific and professional texts in biotechnical science ( agriculture, forestry, wood technology, food technology, nutritionism, biotechnology) as well as social news, bibliographies and reviews of books and texts, popular scientific papers, polemics and other. Only the papers that have not yet been submitted for publishing anywhere and those that have not been published anywhere else are eligible for publishing. Scientific papers are categorised as follows: original scientific paper, scientific review, preliminary communication and conference paper. The papers are reviewed by two or more scientists involved in the relevant field. The paper should not exceed 17 page limit, the font size needs to be 11, in Times New Roman, with line spacing 1.5 and margin space 2.5. Exceptionally, upon approval by the editorial board, some interdisciplinary papers or those that the editorial board may find of particular interest can include up to 25 pages. The papers need to be submitted in the electronic form and they need to be written in the Croatian or in the English language (e-mail: editors@gazette-future.eu).
The original scientific paper needs to include: full names and surnames of the authors with the names of the institutions, the address and the e-mail; Paper Title, Summary, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References bold for the titles. The papers submitted in the English language are submitted without the title in the Croatian language and without the summary in Croatian.
The paper title needs to be as short as possible, both in Croatian and in English. The paper category is proposed by the authors and it is confirmed by the reviewers and the Editor - in - Chief.
The Summary needs to include the General Overview, Methodology, Results and Conclusion. The paper needs to be written in third person, with a minimum of 3 to 5 key words. The Summary should not exceed 250 words. The Abstract is the translation of the Summary with key words.
The Introduction needs to include what the research has been conducted on thus far and the objective of the specific research. Materials and Methods of the research need to be briefly presented. In the Results and the Discussion sections one needs to strive not to repeat what has already been stated. The Conclusions need to present only what will provide a concise and a clear presentation of the research conducted. The References need to be arranged in the alphabetical order of the authors, as follows: by the surname and the initial letter of the author’s name or Anonymous (unknown author), the year when it is issued in brackets, the title of the book or the paper, the title of the journal and the number and year, as well as the place of publication and the pages from - to. If there are more than three authors, they are referred to in the references as follows (Surname et al., 2018).
Footnotes need to be avoided in the paper or they may possibly be used to provide some explanation. The authors in the text are quoted in accordance with the APA standard e. g. (Surname, 2018); (Surname1 and Surname2, 2016); (Surname et al., 2018) (more than two authors). The quotes need to include quotation marks ("n") and the page of the quoted text (Surname, 2018, p. 44).
Tables need to be numbered and need to be referred to above in the Croatian language and in the English language in italics.
Figures need to be numbered and need to be referred to below in the Croatian language and in the English language in italics.
Resolution of the figures (chart, photograph, drawing, illustration, map) needs to be at least 300 dpi.



Education of high school students about fires and their impact on the environment

Šibenik, 20th - 21st October 2022

       Professional-Scientific Association Futura successfully implemented a project financed by a HEP donation: "With HEP to understanding fire and its impact on the environment" - in the second and third grade of the Šibenik School of Economics on 20th - 21st October 2022.

Announcement: "Workshop ~ Wild decorative species for cutting and arranging"

       Friday - Saturday, 21st - 22nd May 2021
       Šibenik - Republic of Croatia

Announcement: "VIII International Conference on Social and Technological Development (STED 2019)"

       Friday - Saturday, 8th - 9th November 2019
       Trebinje - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Announcement: 1st Scientific-Expert Conference: "Application of Decorative Plants in the Tourist Offer of the Submediterranean"

       Saturday, 30th March 2019 at 09:30 hours
       Šibenik - Republic of Croatia

1st Scientific-Expert Conference: "Application of Decorative Plants in the Tourist Offer of the Mediterranean" Held

Šibenik, 09th June 2018

       1st Scientific-Expert Conference: "Application of Decorative Plants in the Tourist Offer of the Mediterranean", organized by Branch of Matica Hrvatska in Šibenik & Professional-Scientific Association Futura, took place at the venue hall of the Juraj Šižgorić Šibenik City Library on 09th June 2018.

  • Šibenik ~ 09. lipnja 2018.Šibenik ~ 09. lipnja 2018.
  • Šibenik ~ 09. lipnja 2018.Šibenik ~ 09. lipnja 2018.
  • Šibenik ~ 09. lipnja 2018.Šibenik ~ 09. lipnja 2018.
  • Šibenik ~ 09. lipnja 2018.Šibenik ~ 09. lipnja 2018.

Announcement: 1st Scientific-Expert Conference: "Application of Decorative Plants in the Tourist Offer of the Mediterranean"

       Saturday, 09th June 2018 at 09:30 hours
       Venue: Hall of the Juraj Šižgorić Šibenik City Library