Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Vesna Židovec, Iva Antić, Ines Han Dovedan, Dubravka Dujmović Purgar

Glasilo Future Volumen 3 broj 4 prosinac 2020. / Gazette Future Volume 3 number 4 December 2020

Objavljeno 31. prosinca 2020. godine. / Published on December 31, 2020.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)


Stručni rad (professional paper)


Tehnike i biljne vrste u aranžiranju cvijeća

Techniques and plant species in arrangement of flowers

Str./Pp. 13–29


Vesna Židovec, Iva Antić, Ines Han Dovedan, Dubravka Dujmović Purgar


U uređenju interijera, osim lončanica koristi se i zelenilo i cvjetne vrste za rez. Cvjetni dizajn ima dugu povijest razvoja te postoje određene tehnike i pravila slaganja biljnog materijala. Promjene u cvjetnom dizajnu podložne su modi, ali ovise i o godišnjem dobu s obzirom na povremenu ili trajnu dostupnost cvijeća i zelenila. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi osnovne tehnike u izradi cvjetnih aranžmana i instalacija; vrste zelenila i cvjetne vrste koje se koriste u cvjetnom dizajnu; odrediti koje su biljne vrste stalno prisutne u primjeni, a koje imaju sezonski karakter na području grada Zagreba - Zelena tržnica i u cvjetnom salonu 'Arkadija' (Zagreb). Pregledom literature ustanovljeno je da je tijekom povijesti cvjetnog dizajna zabilježena izrada girlandi, vijenaca, 'roga obilja', uporaba autohtonih biljnih vrsta, zelenila i cvjetnih vrsta za rez te voća. Brojne biljne vrste imale su simboličku ulogu s kulminacijom u Viktorijansko vrijeme. Osnovne tehnike koje se danas koriste pri izradi cvjetnih aranžmana su osnovna ili spiralna tehnika, paralelna tehnika, a u izradi vijenaca vezanje, nabadanje i tehnika poput izrade rimskog vijenca. Terenskim istraživanjem u ponudi zelenila zabilježeno je 38 vrsta iz 27 porodica, dok je u ponudi cvjetnih vrsta za rez bilo 50 vrsta iz 29 porodica. Sezonski karakter ima 13 zabilježenih vrsta zelenila i 36 cvjetnih vrsta za rez, dok je 25 vrsta zelenila i 14 cvjetnih vrsta u ponudi tijekom cijele godine.

Ključne riječi: floristika, zelenilo i cvjetne vrste za rez, cvjetni aranžmani i instalacije.


In interior design, not just potted plants, but greenery and cut flower are also used. Floral design has a long history of development and there are certain techniques and rules for arranging plant material. They change according to fashion, but also to seasonal changes due to the occasional or permanent availability of flowers and greenery. The aim of this research was to determine what are the basic techniques in making flower arrangements and installations; what greenery and cut flowers are used in floral design; determine which plant species are constantly present in the application, and which have a seasonal character; the state of the flower market in the area of the city of Zagreb - Green Market and in the flower salon 'Arkadija' (Zagreb). From the literature it was discovered that throughout of floral design history, the arranging of garlands, wreaths, ‘horns of plenty’, the use of indigenous plant species, greenery and cut flowers and fruit has been recorded. Numerous plant species played a symbolic role with a culmination in Victorian times. The basic techniques used today in flower design are the basic or spiral technique, the parallel technique, and in making wreaths by tying, stabbing and techniques such as making a Roman wreath. By field research in the offer of greenery, 38 species from 27 families were recorded, while in the offer of cut flower, 50 species from 29 families. The seasonal character had 13 recorded species of greenery and 36 cut flower species, while 25 types of greenery and 14 cut flower species werein offer throughout the year.

Key words: floristics, greenery and cut flower species, flower arrangements and installations.




Židovec, V., Antić, I., Han Dovedan, I., Dujmović Purgar, D. (2020). Tehnike i biljne vrste u aranžiranju cvijeća. Glasilo Future, 3(4), 13–29.
Židovec, V., Antić, I., Han Dovedan, I., Dujmović Purgar, D. Techniques and plant species in arrangement of flowers. Glasilo Future, 3(4), 13–29.

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